My little baby is 10 months old-- I have been trying to hold off on writing this post because it is something that I don't want to face. We went into the dr's office this week for her last flu shot and in the waiting room was a 9 week old little boy-- he was so small and cuddly while the sweet little angel in my arms was having nothing to do with being cuddly and wanted nothing better to do than to get down and roam around (hence the frown in the picture above- it's not the custome she objects to - it's the fact that I am making her sit still to take her picture). I miss how little she use to be but I have to admit I am having so much fun these days-- each day is a new adventure seen in the eyes of a 10 month. She challenges me in ways I never thought I would be challenged but in a ways that I don't even know I have been.
At ten months Sam is:
close to 19lbs. due to a cold we were in the office a little over a week ago and she weighed in at 18lbs 10 oz.
Has a total of 6 teeth (2 of which are breaking through as we speak)
Is refusing to eat anything that resembles baby food-- if she can't feed herself - she doesn't want it (at home at least- at daycare she eats what ever they put in front of her)
Is all over the place crawling and pulling up
no longer sleeps through the night - the cold and teething did that to us and we are slow to get back to the norm
Favorite song is 5 Little Monkeys-- I have taught her to bonk her head with her hand when the monkey falls off the bed and now she goes around all day hitting her head wanting you to sing the song. The shaking her head no when the dr says no more monkeys jumpin on the bed she learned herself-- that is now the answer to everything you say to her if there is a tilt of a question in your voice. (I thought I had a little while before this started)
We are so blessed to have this sweet angel in our lives and I thank God everyday for this amazing blessing!