Monday, August 17, 2009

8 Months

It's that time again. Sam is 8 months old today. I wish that I could slow down time and keep Sam a baby but I get so excited as I see her personality grow each day.

Here is what is going on:

When she had surgery over a week ago she weighed 17lbs 5 ozs.

She is trying to crawl and even got up on her hands and knees and rocked this weekend.

Is saying babababa mostly; but incorporates ma, da and ga into her babbling.

She learned to CLAP this weekend (it is so cute)

Is working on waving bye bye. Her daddy swears she has said it a few times.

Is a HUGE mama's girl. (I LOVE IT!)

Still sleeping through the night but horrible on naps!

Loves playing peek-a-boo

Has learned that blowing into toys will make different noises

Is gurgling -- and thinks this is so funny

I can't believe she is getting so big!!!

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