This past Saturday we had Sam's 1st birthday party at Oak Mountain Petting Farm. Despite the 40 something degree weather and rain off and on all day it was a lot of fun. Here are a few moments from that day.
Hailey my little cup cake decorator. She did a great job helping!
The sofa that we got Sam- it folds out so that she can lay on it as well.
Hailey my little cup cake decorator. She did a great job helping!
Me and Sam checking out the table
Everyone singing Happy Birthday to Sam
Trying it out
Lovin it more and more with each bite!
A picture with mommy and daddy
Sam and Evie watching the older kids run around
On to the animals. This goat was so nice- once you pet them they followed you everywhere!
Sweet little pony
Baby lamps
This goose was so funny- it would chase you trying to get you to pet it.
Hard to see - put Roosters
Mama sheep and baby lambs born the day before
This goat was hilarious it was climbing up on everything!
Love the picture with her eating her cake. adorable!